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  1. Our mobile app is officially on: Who wants to become the Arctic Explorer?
  2. EDU-ARCTIC top five: meet the most active teachers schools and countries
  3. Last chance for an online lesson: check out upcoming webinars
  4. Final Conference in Paris: important performances and lots of emotions

1. Our mobile app is officially on: Who wants to become the Arctic Explorer?

Arctic Explorer Game

How many islands are there in Svalbard archipelago? Since when has the Polish Polar Station Hornsund operated? What is stored in the Global Bank in Svalbard? Download our brand new free mobile app (currently available for Android), play, find out, come up with your own question, and become an Arctic Explorer!

The history of the application, created as part of the European project EDU-ARCTIC, is special: as you may remembr, the author of the idea is 13-year-old Yngva from the Faroe Islands, who submitted in the competition the idea of ​​creating a virtual journey through the Arctic, which, thanks to the form of a quiz, allows to broaden knowledge about this region. The idea inspired the organizers, and at the final conference of the EDU-ARCTIC project in Paris in May this year, we managed to present the effect and play the first quiz with the international audience.

The virtual journey through the Arctic begins in Svalbard. Users can choose questions from various domains: biology, geography, geology and science in general, on three different levels of difficulty. For correct answers, ‘coins’ are awarded, that allow to reach in other parts of the Arctic - Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Scandinavia or North American polar areas. The answers are accompanied by explanations, photos, links to additional materials - for example to POLARPEDIA, a multilingual encyclopedia of terms related to polar research.

But the most important element is the ability to co-create the application by its users - that is, to add questions and answers, which is also awarded with virtual "coins". We invite to become co-creators of this virtual journey!

2. EDU-ARCTIC top five: meet the most active teachers schools and countries

Have you checked our leaderboard lately? EDU-GAME turned aout to be very competitive and engaging: you were very active, participating in lessons, providing measurements in MONITORING SYSTEM, contributing to POLARPEDIA with translations, spreading a word about the project during dissemination events. We cannot thank you enough!

EDU-ARCTIC project engaged 1200 teachers from 60 countries, but five countries were particularly devoted to the idea of using polar research as a vehicle to future STEM careers of school girls and school boys.

Big applause to 5 most active schools:

  • Institucionet arsimore jopublike "Flatrat e dijes" (Albania)
  • Shaban Demiraj (Albania)
  • Zespół Szkół im.Konstytucji 3 Maja w Pobiedziskach Letnisku (Poland)
  • Ismail Qemali (Albania)
  • 4o GEL Karditsa - 4th Upper high school of Karditsa (Greece)

We have very special thanks for our top five theachers:

  • Ehsen Kraja from Shkoder, Albania
  • Stelios Anastassopoulos from Kardista, Greece
  • Alketa Bajrami from Vlo, Albania
  • Valbona Shkembi from Kuçove, Albania
  • Constantin Gheorghiță from Iași, Romania

Your dedication is outstanding!

We hope that with EDU-ARCTIC project we brought you some joy and inspiration.

As we promised, top 3 teachers will be awarded with online lesson broadcasted from the Polar Station, dedicated to their classes only. Moreover, the top 50 teachers and top 10 schools will be awarded with special certificates for innovative educators and institutions. Stay tuned!

3. Last chance for an online lesson: check out upcoming webinars

We invite you for last lessons in this school year – and the very last in the whole project. Who wants to:

Remember, if you find it hard to fit EDU-ARCTIC lessons into your schedule, you can choose your time and topic – write to us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we’ll set a convenient date!

4. Final Conference in Paris: important performances and lots of emotions

Thousands of teachers and students involved, hundreds of online lessons, various educational resources, adventurous polar expeditions: In Paris on May 23 and 24 we summarized the EDU-ARCTIC project. In the historic interiors of the Scientific Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Paris, we hosted ambassadors, scientists - including the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, prof. Terry Callaghan, policy makers from the Arctic states and countries that are active in the region and aware of the challenges that changes in the polar regions bring to the rest of the world. There were educators from France, Poland, Greece, Bulgaria, Albania and even India! To us, it was particularly emotional to meet engaged teachers and their amazing students and listen to tjeir fantastic testimonies. Read more

final conference pictures

  1. And the winners are … Yes! four teams will visit Arctic this summer!
  2. Last days of registration – EDU-ARCTIC Final Conference
  3. We’re not slowing down: check out upcoming lessons
  4. Final BIG SURPRISE – inspired by YOU!

1. And the winners are … Yes! four teams will visit Arctic this summer!

The last, 3rd edition of Arctic Competition was unique. For the first time, up to two students could be a part of a team. More importantly, competition level at the third stage was extremely high: only four teams out of 14 finalists from seven countries could win. Also, the level of proposed projects and students’ preparation was really impressive. It was very hard to choose the winners, who will go to Faroe Islands and Svanhovd, northern Norway (two teams in each location).

We are very happy to announce the best of the best:

  • Thomas Wielfaert with Ines Tavernier from Belgium
  • Annelia Vakrinou with Eirini Siotou from Greece
  • Katarina Ahlin Rezar with Adela Zigert from Slovenia
  • Judith Zaragoza López and Tarik El Aichouni Jouied with Jordi Escofet Miro from Spain

This year, more than ever, we were astonished by the creativity, consciousness and involvement shown by participants. From model simulating Polar Day and Night, through analysing heavy metals in bears’ fur or studying effects of UV radiation on Valerian plants, to nanoplastics in the sea ice: they were all great ideas, with fresh approach and very mature background.

Congratulations to all the students and their teachers-mentors!

Read more

2. Last days of registration – EDU-ARCTIC Final Conference

Two days of amazing lectures tackling Arctic issues from various perspectives, hands-on activities, teachers’ testimonies, good practice and guided visit at Atmosphere Observatory of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines in Guyancourt: no chance for boredom during the final conference summarizing our project on 23-24 May 2019. There is still time to register:

If you are not able to attend in person, you may still share your experience in the EDU-ARCTIC project. Prepare a poster (A1 format) illustrating project-related activities, achievements and ideas, send it via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. till 17th May; we will print it and display during poster session!

3. We’re not slowing down: check out upcoming lessons

Springtime is often a rather tensed period at school: end of semester, exams, notes, the spectre of summer vacation is looming

Everyone could use a moment’s grace combined with interesting stories, so let’s:

Remember, if you find it hard to fit EDU-ARCTIC lessons into your schedule, you can choose your time and topic – write to us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will set a convenient date!

4. Final BIG SURPRISE – inspired by YOU!

Do you remember finalists of 2nd edition of Arctic Competition? One of them was Yngva, a 13 year old student from Faroe Islands, along with her teacher, Niklas. Yngva’s idea was to help spreading knowledge about the Arctic with a mobile quiz. We found it very inspiring, so we decided to implement her idea! The official premiere of our brand new EDU-ARCTIC mobile app will take place during the Final Conference in Paris. Lots of questions from various polar domains and areas will be soon available for downloading for free! Follow us on Facebook not to miss all the details! And the name of the app is …. Secret. For now. Stay tuned. Or try to solve the encrypted keyword below. First five good guesses will be awarded. Send your answers to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  1. Final Conference – let’s meet in Paris
  2. EDU-ARCTIC dissemination: prestigious events in Valencia and Cambridge
  3. DEADLINE TOMORROW! Who will get one step closer to the Arctic Adventure of a lifetime?
  4. Sheep, Maths, maps, rocks, ice and fire: ready to learn a lot?
  5. EDU-ARCTIC evaluation – we need your feedback

1. Final Conference – let’s meet in Paris

The EDU-ARCTIC Consortium invites you to participate in the final conference summarizing our project on May 23-24, 2019. The first day will be held at the scientific centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Paris, the second at UVSQ’s Faculty Observatory of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines in Guyancourt, in the western Parisian region. Confirmed key-note speakers include Terry V. Callaghan, Professor of Arctic Ecology at the University of Sheffield and one of the laureats of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to IPCC and Al Gore.

The programme will offer a number of high-profile key-notes by some leading actors in the field, presentations of the project results, panel discussions as well as hands-on EDU-ARCTIC activities and a guided tour of UVSQ’s atmosphere science laboratory. Read FULL PROGRAMME and REGISTER (for 1st and 2nd day separately). We’ll be very happy if you can share your EDU-ARCTIC experience and take part in our poster session. See you in Paris!

final conference

2. EDU-ARCTIC dissemination: prestigious events in Valencia and Cambridge

We couldn’t miss the opportunity to present EDU-ARCTIC at 13th INTED conference - one of the largest international education conferences for lecturers, researchers, technologists and professionals from the educational sector, held 11-13 March in Valencia, Spain. During this event, that brings together more than 700 delegates from 80 different countries, EDU-ARCTIC was presented in a very special way – by Paul Eric Aspholm - our Norwegian colleague from NIBIO and Francisco José Gómez Senent a teacher, who won Arctic Competition 2018!

Also, we’ll be honoured to offer our project tools to engaged teachers interested in polar topics during the 4th biennial workshop of Polar Educators International (PEI), organised with support from the International Arctic Science Committee. We hope to meet some of you there (8-11th April, Cambridge, United Kingdom).

3. DEADLINE TOMORROW! Who will get one step closer to the Arctic Adventure of a lifetime?

Arctic Competition participants who were accepted for 2nd stage have time till 14th Marc 11:00 UTC to upload full projects. We can’t wait to read your ideas!


4. Sheep, Maths, maps, rocks, ice and fire: ready to learn a lot?

This time we have a very special invitation: Dr. Isabel C Barrio from the Agricultural University of Iceland | LBHI · Department of Environmental Sciences will conduct a webinar: Sheep in the Land of Fire and Ice Q&A (15th March, 08:00 UTC). We invite you to join the short open online course (MOOC) Sheep in the Land of Fire and Ice, which provides an overview of the cultural, historical and economic relevance of sheep grazing in Iceland.

You can also:

Remember, if you find it hard to fit EDU-ARCTIC lessons into your schedule, you can choose your time and topic – write to us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we’ll set a convenient date!

5. EDU-ARCTIC evaluation – we need your feedback

Check your profile and give us our feedback – fill in After skills assessment! Your answers will allow us to determine whether the project met the set objectives. Thank you in advance!

star rating

  1. Arctic Competition –first results
  2. EDU-ARCTIC survey – 2 more weeks and opportunity to win a backpack!
  3. New lessons – and new option: lessons on demand!

1. Arctic Competition –first results

More than 100 students from 17 countries prepared summaries of projects, and now 50 teams have been chosen for 2nd stage and have a chance to win trip of their lifetime and go to the Arctic this summer!

All the participants receive relevant message – check your profile on portal.

We are very proud of our active and creative participants!

Do not miss full project submission date – 14th March, 11:00 UTC.

2. EDU-ARCTIC survey – 2 more weeks and opportunity to win a backpack!

Would you like to win EDU-ARCTIC prize? Give us feedback on EDU-ARCTIC project. Five random teachers who will fill in our survey will receive our unique backpack! How to do it? In your profile on EDU-ARCTIC portal, you will find the After EDU-ARCTIC survey - Main survey with a list of questions concerning the EDU-ARCTIC project and its modules. Questions are divided into two categories: TECHNOLOGY and FACTUAL. The survey will be available until February 21.

Thank you in advance for your answers!

3. New lessons – and new option: lessons on demand!

Do you find it hard to fit EDU-ARCTIC lessons into your schedule? Now you can choose your time and topic – write to us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will set a convenient date!

Of course there are also regular lessons, as well – choose something for you!

Are you longing for Springtime as much as we are? Use Monitoring System Mobile App and show us the first signs of nature’s rebirth!


  1. How to win the Arctic Competition? First of all, do not miss the deadline!
  2. New year, new lessons – learn new stuff!
  3. We need your feedback – EDU-ARCTIC survey.

1. How to win the Arctic Competition? Do not miss the deadline!

Remember - project summary needs to be uploaded latest 23rd January, 11:00 UTC.

How to win? We are happy to help 😉 Make sure you are familiar with the COMPETITION RULES.

Read clues on how to write a good summary.

If you need inspiration – read about previous winning projects. Ask our scientists for background information, details about research stations, etc.

Now you also have a unique opportunity to participate in a lesson dedicated to the ARCTIC COMPETITION.

Learn all about rules, timeline, methods. Find out what you may expect during the expedition to the Faroe Islands and Svanhovd, Norway. See present examples of inspiring projects from previous editions.

We propose two dates: 9th January 09:00 UTC or 14th January 11:00 UTC

2. New year, new lessons – learn new stuff!

Whether your main interest is focused on geography, biology, physics, new technologies or social sciences – you will find something for you and your students!

Visit Greenland (10th January, 10:00 UTC); find out how polar regions help in space exploration (15th January, 08:00 UTC); learn all about space weather (17th January, 08:00 UTC). You’ll be surprised what minerals are used for (21st January, 10:00 UTC and repetition – 6th Februay, 10:00 UTC), and how many mysteries glacier interiors hide (23 January, 12:00 UTC). Visit drifting ice stations (29th January, 12:00 UTC), and decide whether geoengineering is damnation or salvation (30th January, 07:00 UTC). See a beautiful spectacle of aurora (31st January, 12:00 UTC). Get familiar with rythm of the flowers and plants(5th February, 08:00 UTC). Meet those who live and work at Polish Polar Station Hornsund (7th February, 10:00 UTC) and explore frozen ground (13 February, 12:00 UTC).

3. We need your feedback – EDU-ARCTIC survey

If you have been an active EDU-ARCTIC teacher for at least one year, we would appreciate your feedback. We are interested in knowing the impact of the project on those students who participated in project activities.

In your profile on the EDU-ARCTIC portal, you will find the EDU-ARCTIC main survey with a list of questions concerning the EDU-ARCTIC project and its modules. Questions are divided into two categories: TECHNOLOGY and FACTUAL.

The survey will be available until February 6.

Thank you in advance for your participation!


Albert Einstein said: “For us who are convinced physicists, the distinction between past, present, and future is only an illusion, however persistent.”

Nevertheless, we believe that New Year means new opportunities. Read more about what is expected to be priority in science in 2019 – NATURE-article.

happy new year 2019