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Two separate boards manage the project’s activities: the Project Steering Committee (PSC) and the Project Dissemination Committee (PDC).

The Project Steering Committee

The Project Steering Committee is responsible for addressing the technical, financial and administrative matters within the project, as well as collaboration between the project partners.

The PSC is comprised of representatives from each partner organisation who are authorised to make decisions and negotiate on behalf of their organisation. The PSC serves as a forum for discussion and makes management decisions related to the project.

As project coordinator, the Institute of Geophysics at the Polish Academy of Sciences (IGF PAS) takes the lead in the organisation, planning, and direction of the project. The project coordinator chairs the PSC. This person remains in constant contact with the Project Officer and ensures the punctual delivery of reports.

The Project Dissemination Committee

Dissemination activities are a key element of the project, as they can maximise the impact and visibility of the project. The PDC engages local, regional and national stakeholders in a wider discussion, by holding events such as communication workshops and round table discussions.

The PDC is made up of leaders from a number of the work packages in the project to ensure that the final results of the work packages are disseminated, and that communication with schools involved in the project is maintained. Communication activities take place in project partner countries as well as in neighbouring countries within the European Union, in order to ensure that EDU-ARCTIC has the widest possible geographical impact.

The EDU-ARCTIC project has a governance structure for small Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action projects. The organisation of the project management covers strategic, technical and logistical issues. A schematic representation of the management structure is shown in the figure below:

EDU-Arctic structure