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Conducting of the EDU-ARCTIC program will be the key objective of Work Package 3. Performing the educational program will raise young boys' and girls' awareness of the different aspects encompassing science and motivate the young generation to pursue STEM careers. It will consider the overall technological and methodological aspects of the project solution by: 1) providing Arctic transmissions from polar stations and institutions, including transmissions of meetings with experts, 2) creating and constantly enriching Polarpedia, 3) organising two editions of Arctic Competitions, 4) organising meetings of the Educators’ Forum, 5) establishing the monitoring observing system. As a result of above works a complex educational program will be performed in at least 500 secondary/high schools in at least 10 European countries, from all regions covered by EDU-ARCTIC: Western and Southern Europe, Northern Europe, Central and Eastern Europe. Each participating school will provide at least one class (ca. 25 pupils) – end users actively participating in EDU-ARCTIC Program performed in WP3.