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  1. Amazing news for new school year!
  2. Join our brand new ‘Thematic courses’
  3. What is new on Polarpedia?
  4. New webinars
  5. Arctic Adventure 2018 – winners’ story!

1. Amazing news for new school year!

Welcome after summer break, we hope you are full of energy! As we already announced in July, EDU-ARCTIC project will continue till the end of 2017/2018 school year. Now, we are very happy to officially share another good news:


Since first and second editions evoked so much interest and resulted in amazing projects, we obtained approval of European Commission, so you can still win a trip to Arctic research station! We will announce detailed rules soon. Stay tuned!

arctic competition

2. Join our brand new ‘Thematic courses’

As you can check on our youtube channel or website , our lessons can be cathegorized into general topics. We are proposing a brand new type of lessons – thematic courses. To start with:

  • Engineering and technology (Tuesdays, 11:00 UTC) will be dedicated to modern techniques of scientific research and environment management;
  • The Arctic, people’s land (Thursdays, 9:00 UTC) – we will learn about indigenous people, economy, history of exploration and other ‘human’ and ‘social’ aspects of the region;
  • Mistery of glaciers (Wednesday, 11:00 UTC) will cover all information about how glaciers are formed, their importance and dynamics;
  • Citizen science (Tuesdays, 07:00 UTC) will explain how citizen science works, with all major environment elements observed within Monitoring System.

Each course offers a comprehensive series of complementary topics. We hope it will allow you to plan your participation in advance, and include EDU-ARCTIC activities both into curricular and extracurricular activities, like science clubs etc. Check our calendar-they are marked in yellow. Check each thematic course for full programme with dates and topics.

Special challenge: If you participate in at least 50% of lessons in a course, you will receive a special certificate!!!

3. What is new on Polarpedia?

Polarpedia is gaining more and more terms, translations – and users. We used your requests and suggestions and proposed some modifications. Now from main page you can get to full language versions, simply by clicking a flag. Also, we decided not to limit our „hydrosphere’ terms to seas and oceans, therefore we have new cathegory – Water resources. Finally, we encourage you to GAMIFY your classroom with various educational games and quizzes.

4. New webinars

We continue our regular webinars, with new topics, new activities and some excellent guest lecturers. Learn how mushrooms help us , listen to a fascinating story of maps , meet polar bear – and penguin. Check if you know all the weirdest Arctic fun facts , visit Polish Polar Station Hornsund, get familiar with tardigrades- ultimate survivors.

Do not miss webinars within thematic courses:

5. Arctic Adventure 2018 – winners’ story!

With both teams now back from northern trips, we can say for sure: it was an amazing experience! WInners from Greece and Spain were very busy in NIBIO station with collecting and analyzing samples, snorkelling, fishing and hiking. READ MORE

Winners from Poland and Spain visited Polish Polar Station Hornsund, Svalbard. On their trip the group had an opportunity to see and touch various equipment like auto-sampler and meteorological station, and get a closer look at some measurements carried out on site. Nothing was too challenging for them: neither swimming close to the Korberbreen glacier (in the background the third highest peak of Svalbard – Hornsundtind) in Helly Hansen suits, nor sailing under the Muhlbacherbreen and Peierlbreen glaciers. Their bravery was awarded: they admired whales and experienced calving of a glacier! READ MORE

You can write your own Arctic story: join Arctic Competition!
