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IGF PAS presented its experience and best practices from the now completed EDUSCIENCE project as well as the ongoing EDU-ARCTIC project (which is a continuation of the EDUSCIENCE on European scale) to members of the delegation, who expressed great interest in the project, as the project takes an innovative approach to educating adolescents, uses a variety of educational tools, and gives European schools the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the Arctic. The delegation stated their wish to find ways for Turkish schools to make use of the elements of the EDU-ARCTIC project in Turkish schools, such as the online lessons, the Arctic competitions, and the methodological workshops for teachers.

"There is a good chance that our Turkish colleagues will not only benefit from this unique experience in educational projects, but will act to directly involve their schools in this educational initiative," said Agata Goździk, who is leading the EDU-ARCTIC project at IGF PAS. "We look forward to our cooperation."

The delegation's visit was a part of a project co-funded by the EU and Turkey: "Technical assistance for supporting the institutional capacity of the human resources development operating structure (HRD OS) and the operation beneficiaries, information and publicity”. The project aims to provide support for Turkish institutes responsible for developing human resources, as a part of preparations for the future use of the European Social Fund (after accession) and strengthening the potential of future beneficiaries of these measures.

During their visit, the Turkish delegation visited a number of public institutions that have a valuable role in implementing projects funded by the EU. Education, social innovation, policymaking, health support and youth employment were the main topics of interest for the Turkish delegation.