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  1. 3…2…1… Arctic Competition – due date is approaching!
  2. Check out our new leaderboards
  3. Enrol for new lessons
  4. EDU-ARCTIC as a good practice: meeting in Brussels


1. 3…2…1… Arctic Competition – due date is approaching!

Arctic Competition 2018

It’s a last minute call for those who would like to experience a life-time northern adventure this summer. Till 19th January 12:00 UTC SUMMARY of research or innovative project related to the Arctic needs to be submitted. You will receive 50 EDU-POINTS for submitting one or more summaries. If your students are fascinated by disciplines such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics, it’s high time to encourage them to take another step for their future scientific career!

Read more information about rules of 2nd edition of Arctic Competition.

Remember, in the first stage of the Competition, you submit only summary, not the whole project. If you want to find out, how to prepare good summary, READ OUR SUGGESTIONS.

Are you looking for inspiration? Read more about winners of 1st edition. Meet Angelica, Jan, Łukasz, Julia, Vassiliki, Aleksandra and learn all about their projects.

Are you wondering what can be measured on a polar station? Would you like to have a look inside the stations and find out what kind of research is conducted there?

Enrol for online lessons from Svalbard (Inside Polish Polar Station) and Svanhovd (Research station Svanhovd: living and doing research in the far north)

What’s it like to win? Watch TRAVELOGUE from expedition to Faroe Islands in August 2017.

Good luck, everyone!


2. Check out our new leaderboards

Check out our new leaderboards. From now on, we have overall project leaderboard, results from 2017 and new leaderboard 2018 – this way also new teachers will be able to compete and become visible in TOP 5 lists.

To sum up 2017:

CONGRATULATIONS TOP 5 countries: Poland, Albania, Romania, Greece and Serbia!

Special thanks to our most active teachers: Alketa from Vlo (Albania), Beata from Słupsk (Poland), Aleksandra from Pobiedziska (Poland), Ehsen from Shkoder (Albania), Emilia from Poznan (Poland). Thank you for being with us!

Within 2 weeks, 20 teachers with the highest EDU-GAME results in 2017 will receive individual certificates.

Want to get extra EDU-POINTS? Participate in online lessons, submit monitoring reports on regular basis, fill in surveys, translate POLARPEDIA terms and disseminate EDU-ARCTIC project! Let the 2018 EDU-GAME begin!


3. Enrol for new lessons

With new year we have new topics: why is Lidar so important for human lives, join Ernest Shackleton in Imperial Transantarctic Expedition, visit the Inside Polish Polar Station, Research Station Svanhovd and Iceland – the land of air and water, follow The Great Migrations, get familiar with Weirdest Arctic animals and Pleistocene Megafauna, learn all about Tsunami risk in the North Atlantic Ocean, witness Birth and death of an ocean and 130 000 years of climate change, enter the fascinating world of Saami people.

We specially recommend a unique, one-off webinar delivered by guest scientist:

Why is the Arctic a laboratory of contemporary international relations

If you speak or learn Russian – join Belgian Antarctic Expedition (Бельгийская антарктическая экспедиция).


4. EDU-ARCTIC as a good practice: meeting in Brussels

This January, a very special event takes place. EDU-ARCTIC project has been invited to Brussels for a matchmaking event Science with and for Society Programme beyond H2020, as one of 2 good practice examples among many SWAFS projects. We’ll be able to share our experience on project implementation. It’s a great honor and pleasure. Keep fingers crossed on 29th January!

thank you