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In total 160 teams from many countries in Europe and across the world submitted projects for the competition. A dedicated jury has evaluated all these projects in order to find the 50 projects that will continue to stage 2 of the competition. The selected projects were prepared in 13 countries (Belgium, Faroe Islands, Germany, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom).

Information, guides and some advice:

Full projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. Originality of the concept
  2. Clear description of idea
    • describe a problem and document the proposal of a solution (category – innovation project)
    • describe a question, formulate a hypothesis and ways to test the hypothesis (category – research project)
  3. Feasibility of the project

Regarding the chosen type of the project, you should follow the instructions:

  1. Essay - must be max 7500 characters. You can also include illustrations and pictures.
  2. Video - has to be less than 5 minutes long. The video can be an animation.
  3. Poster - design an original poster that presents your project.

All the best luck to your student and to you as the teacher.

We look forward to receiving your project before 15th of March 2018 at 12 o’clock noon UTC (midday).