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This document contains Deliverable D.5.4 “Impact Assessment” which is part of WP5 Evaluation and Impact. The document presents the results of measurements of Key Performance Indicators, defined in the document called Evaluation Plan including KPIs (key performance indicators). The results are based on three main documents: “EDU-ARCTIC entry and after” skills assessment (two surveys) and “After EDU-ARCTIC survey - Main survey”.

Additionally, in order to assess the number of schools implementing and interested in the EDU-ARCTIC program, project deliverables D6.1 “List of schools registered to the program,” D7.8 “List of events and publications presenting the project” as well as google analytics for the portal were used.

In the document the methodology of evaluation of the project’s impact and the techniques used for it were presented. Information on the questions assigned to particular KPIs was provided. The document also includes descriptions of surveys, the results of which were used for assessing the level of achieving KPIs.

The general results are very positive, as all Key Performance Indicators proposed for the project were achieved. Moreover, the presented results show clearly, that KPIs have been achieved in the level exceeding primary assumptions. The logical conclusion from this remark is to suggest that such initiatives as EDU-ARCTIC do make a difference and that positive action may lead to clearly improved results.

The results for all KPIs were presented in one table summarising the values and the means of their verification in the section 9. General conclusions.

D5.4 report on impact assessment